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NDA Mock Test NDA Mock Test
NDA I 2025 - Paper I (Mathematics)
NDA I 2025 - Paper I (Mathematics)

- 10 Full-Length Test
- Based on the Latest Pattern

NDA I 2025 - Paper II (GAT)
NDA I 2025 - Paper II (GAT)

- 10 Full-Length Test
- Based on the Latest Pattern

NDA II 2024 - Paper I (Mathematics)
NDA II 2024 - Paper I (Mathematics)

- 5 Full-Length Test
- Based on the Latest Pattern

NDA II 2024 - Paper II (GAT)
NDA II 2024 - Paper II (GAT)

- 5 Full-Length Test
- Based on the Latest Pattern

NDA I 2024 - Paper I (Mathematics)
NDA I 2024 - Paper I (Mathematics)

- 10 Full-Length Test
- Based on the Latest Pattern

NDA I 2024 - Paper II (GAT)
NDA I 2024 - Paper II (GAT)

- 10 Full-Length Test
- Based on the Latest Pattern

NDA I 2023 - Paper I (Mathematics)
NDA I 2023 - Paper I (Mathematics)

- 10 Full Length Test
- Based on Latest Pattern

NDA I 2023 - Paper II (GAT)
NDA I 2023 - Paper II (GAT)

- 10 Full Length Test
- Based on Latest Pattern

NDA II 2022 - Paper I (Mathematics)
NDA II 2022 - Paper I (Mathematics)

- 5 Full Length Test
- Based on Latest Pattern

NDA II 2022 - Paper II (GAT)
NDA II 2022 - Paper II (GAT)

- 5 Full-Length Test
- Based on Latest Pattern

NDA I 2022 - Paper I (Mathematics)
NDA I 2022 - Paper I (Mathematics)

- 5 Full Length Test
- Based on Latest Pattern

NDA I 2022 - Paper II (GAT)
NDA I 2022 - Paper II (GAT)

- 5 Full Length Test
- Based on Latest Pattern

NDA II 2021 - Paper I (Mathematics)
NDA II 2021 - Paper I (Mathematics)

- 5 Full Length Test
- Based on Latest Pattern

NDA II 2021 - Paper II (GAT)
NDA II 2021 - Paper II (GAT)

- 5 Full-Length Test
- Based on Latest Pattern

NDA I 2020 - Paper I (Mathematics)
NDA I 2020 - Paper I (Mathematics)

- 5 Full Length Test
- Bilingual
- Based on Latest Pattern

NDA I 2020 - Paper II (GAT)
NDA I 2020 - Paper II (GAT)

- 5 Full Length Test
- Bilingual
- Based on Latest Pattern

NDA II 2019 - Paper I (Mathematics)
NDA II 2019 - Paper I (Mathematics)

- 5 Full Length Test
- Based on Latest Pattern

NDA II 2019 - Paper II (GAT)
NDA II 2019 - Paper II (GAT)

- 5 Full Length Test
- Based on Latest Pattern

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NDA Mock Test 2025

The NDA exam has been going on for the past 70 years in India. Its main purpose is to select candidates for various posts in the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy. If you are the one who aspires to be in one of the forces. Then, the NDA mock test 2025 available at Mockers can be your best preparation source. 

Our expert team includes all the important questions in the mock test that are likely to be asked in the actual exam. So, hurry up and start attempting the NDA mock test online free on our digital platform. 

NDA Exam Overview

Every year, lakhs of candidates compete in the NDA exam 2025. There are many key factors that affect this examination. You can see the image below and learn about the important information of the NDA exam.

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Have a look at the table below and get all the useful insights into the NDA exam 2025.

Name of the Examination National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination 
Exam Administrator Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Level of Exam National-level
Mode of Exam Offline
Frequency of the Exam Twice a year
Language of Exam Hindi and English
Number of Papers Two 
  • Mathematics
  • General Ability Test
Exam Duration  5 hours - 2.5 hours for each paper
Total Number of questions and marks Total: 270 questions and 900 marks  
  • Mathematics: 120 questions, 300 marks
  • GAT: 150 questions, 600 marks 
Marking Scheme Mathematics: 
  • +2.5 marks for each correct answer
  • -0.83 marks for each incorrect answer
  • +4 marks for every right answer
  • -1.33 marks for every wrong answer

Eligibility Criterion Of The NDA Exam

You need to meet specific criteria in order to become eligible for the NDA exam. The points are as follows. You can refer to the images below and know the exact details of the conditions of eligibility. 

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Number Of Vacancies To Be Filled After The NDA Exam

We have collected information regarding the number of vacancies in various armed forces and described them in the table below. 

  National Defence Academy 
Army  208 (including 10 for females)
Navy  42 (including 6 for females)
Air Force
  • Flying: 92 (including 2 for females)
  • Ground Duties(Tech): 18 (including 2 for females)
  • Ground Duties(Non-Tech): 10 (including 2 for females)
Naval Academy (10+2 cadet entry scheme) - 30 (including 9 for females) 

Year-Wise NDA Mock Test

You will get the NDA mock test free in a year-wise format at our online portal known as Mockers. These yearly mock tests offer you a variety of questions according to the exam syllabus. The subject matter experts create the mock test with complete attention to detail. 

Subject-Wise NDA Mock Test

The collection of NDA mock test at Mockers follows the subject-wise pattern. There are several mock tests for Mathematics and GAT subjects respectively. You can pick any of the subject-wise mock tests first and attempt them further according to your preferences. 

Subject Link
Maths NDA Maths Mock Test 2025 
GAT NDA GAT Mock Test 2025

NDA Examination Scheme

The Union Public Service Commission has released the latest scheme that will be followed in the NDA exam. You can check out the details below. 

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NDA Mock Test 2025 In English

The NDA free mock test can be accessed in English language at our website. The tests are prepared in a simple way so you can understand the concepts behind the questions easily. 

NDA Mock Test 2025 In Hindi

You are entitled to use the NDA mock test 2025 in Hindi free of cost at Mockers. As this exam is held in two languages, we offer equal opportunities to every student. With just a single click, you can change the language of the mock test while attempting it. 

Special Instructions To NDA Exam Candidates

The NDA conducting organization has some important instructions for the appearing candidates in the NDA exam. We have mentioned them in detail below. Please go through them carefully. 

Articles permitted inside the Examination Hall
  • Clipboard or hardboard (on which nothing is written) 
  • A good quality Black Ball Pen for marking responses on the Answer Sheet. 
  • Answer Sheet and sheet for rough work will be supplied by the invigilator. 
Articles not permitted inside Examination Hall
  • Do not bring into the Examination Hall any article other than those specified above e.g. any valuable/costly items, mobile phones, Smart/Digital watches other IT Gadgets, books, bags, notes, loose sheets, electronic or any other type of calculators, mathematical and drawing instruments, Log Tables, stencils of maps, slide rules, Test Booklets and rough sheets pertaining to the earlier session(s), etc. 
  • Possession (even in switch off mode)/use of Mobiles phones, Bluetooth, pagers, or any other communication devices or any other incriminating material (notes on the e-admit card, papers, eraser, etc.) are not allowed inside the premises where the examination is being conducted. Any infringement of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action including a ban from future examinations. 
  • You are advised in your interest not to bring any of the banned items including mobile phones/Bluetooth/pagers to the venue of the examination, as NO arrangements for safekeeping will be made at the venue of the examination. 
Penalty for Wrong Answers

There will be a penalty (negative marking) for wrong answers marked by you in the objective-type question papers. 

  • There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate. One-third (0.33) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty. 
  • If you give more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be the same penalty as above for that question.
  • If a question is left blank i.e. no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.
Unfair means strictly prohibited

You shall not copy from the papers of any other candidate nor permit his/her papers to be copied. You cannot give nor attempt to obtain irregular assistance of any description. 

Conduct in Examination Hall

You should not misbehave in any manner nor create a disorderly scene in the Examination Hall or harass the staff employed by the Commission for the conduct of the examination. Any such misconduct will be severely penalized.

Answer Sheet particulars
  • Write with a Black ball pen your Centre and subject followed by the test booklet series (in brackets), subject code, and roll number at the appropriate space provided on the answer sheet at the top. Also encode your booklet series (A, B, C, or D as the case may be), subject code, and roll number in the circles provided for the purpose in the answer sheet. 
  • In case the booklet series is not printed on the test booklet or the answer sheet is un-numbered, please report immediately to the invigilator and get the test booklet/answer sheet replaced.
  • Do not write your name or anything other than the specific items of information asked for, on the answer sheet/test booklet/sheet for rough work. 
  • Do not fold, mutilate, damage, or put any extraneous marking in the Answer Sheet. 
  • Do not write anything on the reverse of the answer sheet. 
  • Since the answer sheets will be evaluated on computerized machines, you should exercise due care in handling and filling up the answer sheets. You should use black ball pins only to darken the circles. For writing in boxes, you should use a black ball pen. Since the entries made by you by darkening the circles will be taken into 30 accounts while evaluating the answer sheets on computerized machines, you should make these entries very carefully and accurately.

Cut-Off Marks Of The NDA Exam

We have curated the cut-off marks for various armed forces of the NDA exam in a tabulated format below. 

  Name of the Wing

Number of Recommended Candidates Minimum qualifying standard at the written stage (out of 900) Marks secured by last recommended candidate [Final Stage] (out of 1800)
Army 208  (including 10 for Female candidates)   628 301 (With at least 25% marks in each subject)  664
Navy 042  (including 03 for Female candidates)
Air Force

(i) Flying-92  (including 02 for Female candidates)

(ii) Ground duties (Tech)-18  (including 02 for Female candidates) 

(iii) Ground duties (Non Tech)-10  (including 02 for Female candidates)

Naval Academy 25 (for Male candidates only)
Total 395

You can check the cut-off marks of past years for the NDA exam by referring to the images below. 

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Syllabus Of the NDA Mock Test 2025

The series of free online mock test for NDA on our website are prepared by including the whole syllabus of the NDA exam 2025. You can check the tables below for both the sections of NDA exam. 

NDA Exam Maths Syllabus

The NDA Maths mock test syllabus covers a wide range of topics. Here is a comprehensive table summarizing the syllabus.


  • Sets and operations, Venn diagrams, De Morgan's Laws
  • Real and complex numbers, modulus and argument, cube roots of unity
  • Binary system, conversion between decimal and binary systems
  • Arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic progressions
  • Quadratic equations, linear equations (graphical and algebraic methods)
  • Permutations and combinations, Binomial theorem and its applications
  • Logarithms and their applications
  • Matrices and determinants (types, operations, properties, inverses)

  • Differential Calculus: Concept of limit, differentiation, standard limits, continuity, derivatives (geometrical and physical interpretation), applications of derivatives
  • Integral Calculus: Integration, indefinite integrals, definite integrals, applications of definite integrals.

  • Angles and their measurement (degrees and radians), trigonometric ratios
  • Trigonometric identities (sum and difference formulae, multiple and sub-multiple angles, inverse trigonometric functions)
  • Applications of trigonometry (solving triangles, height, and distance problems)
Vector Algebra
  • Vectors, scalar and vector products, cross product, applications of vectors

  Coordinate Geometry 
  • Analytical geometry of two dimensions: Straight lines, circles, parabolas, ellipses, hyperbolas (standard equations, properties)
  • Analytical geometry of three dimensions: Coordinate axes, direction cosines, the distance between points, straight lines, planes.
Statistics and Probability
  • Mean, median, mode, standard deviation, variance
  • Binomial distribution, Poisson distribution, normal distribution
  • Elementary concepts of probability, conditional probability, Bayes' theorem
GAT Syllabus For NDA Exam

The general ability test of NDA includes subjects like English, Physics, Chemistry, Social Studies, General Science, etc. The UPSC NDA mock test for GAT comprises all these subjects. Have a look at the table below to gain more knowledge about this syllabus. 

English - Section A Grammar and Usage
  • Parts of speech: Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Conjunction, Preposition, Interjection
  • Tenses: Present, Past, Future
  • Active and passive voice
  • Coherence and unity: Theme, Idea, Paragraph, Sentence Structure
  • Vocabulary: Synonyms, Antonyms, One-word substitution, Idioms and Phrases, Words often confused
  • Reading Comprehension Passages
  • Drawing of inferences
  • Simple sentence structure
  • Punctuation: Comma, Full stop, Question Mark, Exclamation Mark, Apostrophe
  • Conjunctions: Coordinating, Subordinating]
  • Direct and indirect speech
  • Comparison: Degrees of comparison
  • Articles: Definite and Indefinite Articles
  • Verbs: Auxiliary, Modal, Regular and Irregular verbs
  • Sentences correction: Spotting Errors, Sentence Improvement
General Knowledge - Section B History and Freedom Movement
  • Important events
  • Personalities
  • Movements in Indian History
  • Indian Freedom Struggle
  • Physical features of India and the world 
  • Climate
  • Resources 
  • Geographical Phenomena
  • Important Locations
Physics Basic concepts of - 
  • Mechanics
  • Electricity
  • Magnetism
  • Light
  • Sound 
  • Heat, etc.
  Chemistry Basic concepts of-
  • Elements
  • Compounds
  • Reactions
  • Acids
  • Bases
  • Salts, etc.
  General Science
  • Environment
  • Ecology
  • Biodiversity
  • Space Science
  • Inventions and Discoveries
  • Scientific Principles
  Current Affairs
  • National and International Events
  • Prominent Personalities
  • Important Issues
  • Latest Developments

How To Attempt The NDA Mock Test 2025?

You can attempt the online mock test NDA 2025 by following the below steps on our website. 

  • Firstly, it is important that you reach our website by typing ( on your internet browser. 

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  • By clicking on the “Navigation” tab displayed on the homepage, you will get different sections.
  • In the next step, you have to select the “Exam Categories” section which will further expand. 

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  • Now, click on the “Defence” category in order to move forward in this procedure. 

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  • A new page will load in a short interval once you click on the “NDA” option. 

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  • And that’s it, you will get the list of NDA mock test series 2025 that you can attempt by clicking on the “Explore” button. 

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Note: Access to the NDA exam mock test series at Mockers is only possible if you log in or create an account on our platform. 

Centers For The NDA Examination

In the below table, you can find the locations where the NDA examination will be conducted. 


NDA Exam Answer Sheet Information

It is important that you know how to fill the answers in the objective type tests. You can get help from the below images for a clear understanding of the answer sheet format.

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Promotional Avenues Of NDA

Once you are selected in the armed forces after the NDA exam, you will be given a promotion on the basis of your years of service. Check out the table below for detailed information regarding promotions in different forces. 

  ARMY   NAVY   AIR FORCE Minimum Recognized Commissioned Service Required for Substantive Promotion 
Lieutenant Sub Lieutenant Flying Officer On Commission
Captain Lieutenant Flight Lieutenant 02 Years
Major Lt. Commander Squadron Leader 06 years
Lieutenant Colonel Commander Wing Commander 13 years
Colonel (Selection) Captain (Selection) Group Captain (Selection)  On Selection
Colonel (Time Scale) Captain (Time Scale) Group Captain (Time Scale)  26 years
Brigadier Commodore Air Commodore On Selection
Major General Rear Admiral Air Vice Marshal On Selection
Lieutenant General Vice Admiral Air Marshal On Selection
General Admiral Air Chief Marshal On Selection

Advantages Of Taking The NDA Mock Test 2025

You can avail yourself of a number of advantages when you start taking the NDA mock test 2025. We have mentioned some of them in detail below.

Exam Familiarity and Confidence
  • The NDA mock test free online helps you experience the exam format and environment. You get habitual to the question paper pattern, syllabus weightage, time constraints, etc. This minimizes surprises and boosts confidence on the actual exam day.
  • You can analyze your performance in each section to identify areas of strength and weakness. This allows you to prioritize focus and study areas needing improvement.
  • Regular practice of NDA exam free online mock test series exposes you to exam pressure. It then helps you develop coping mechanisms and manage anxiety more effectively during the exam.
Time Management and Strategy
  • You can learn to allocate time effectively across sections and question types based on difficulty and weightage. This will optimize your performance under pressure.
  • You may experiment with different strategies for attempting sections (e.g., tackling tougher questions later) in the NDA mock test 2025. This way, you will be able to identify and eliminate options efficiently and avoid common mistakes.
  • The NDA mock test free online practice leads to quicker thinking and problem-solving. It also enhances your speed and accuracy in answering questions.
Performance Evaluation and Improvement
  • The platform of Mockers provides you with a detailed analysis of the NDA mock test 2025. It highlights your strengths, weaknesses, time spent on each question, etc. This data offers you valuable insights for targeted preparation. 
  • You can even compare your performance with other aspirants who took the same online UPSC NDA mock test 2025. This helps you gauge your relative standing and understand concepts needing more study.
  • By taking multiple free online mock test for NDA at different stages of your preparation, you can track your progress and measure how effectively your preparation strategies are working.
Additional Benefits
  • The NDA mock test online reveals areas where your understanding may be incomplete or inaccurate. This allows you to address these gaps through focused study and revision.
  • Practicing the NDA mock test for free on a daily basis keeps you engaged with your preparation and helps you stay motivated throughout the journey.
  • Exposure to different question types and problem-solving methods in NDA mock test online free broadens your understanding. It also equips you to handle unexpected questions on the actual exam. 

Height And Weight Standards For Joining NDA (Army)

There are different standards for both male and female candidates who wish to join the Army after passing the NDA exam. You can check the details below. 

For Female Candidates 

The minimum height required for entry into the Armed Forces for females is 152 cm. Gorkhas and candidates belonging to the Hills of the North Eastern region of India, Garhwal and Kumaon will be accepted with a minimum height of 148 cm. An allowance for growth of 02 cm will be made for candidates below 18 years at the time of examination. The minimum height requirement for the Flying Branch is 163 cm. Flying Branch also requires other anthropometric standards like sitting height, leg length, and thigh length.

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For Male Candidates

The Weight for height charts given below are for all categories of personnel. This chart is prepared based on the BMI. The chart specifies the minimum acceptable weight that candidates of a particular height must have. Weights below the minimum specified will not be acceptable in any case. 

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Height And Weight Standards For Joining NDA (Navy)

You can check the height-weight information for NDA candidates, both male, and female who wish to join the Indian Navy in the images below.

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Weight And Height Standards For Joining NDA (Air Force)

After the NDA exam, there are flying and ground duties offered in the Air Force. The measurements of height and weight for male and female candidates can be seen in the images below. 

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Tips To Master The NDA Mock Test 2025

The below-given suggestions will definitely help you to master the NDA mock test 2025 attempt on Mockers. 

  • Focus on accuracy over speed: You should prioritize getting questions right over attempting many quickly in the NDA mock test free online. Rushing through questions can lead to careless mistakes and cost you valuable marks.
  • Review all questions, even correct ones: You must analyze every question of the NDA mock test 2025, even those you answered correctly. This reinforces your understanding and improves your problem-solving approach.
  • Maintain a record of attempts: Track your scores and review your performance trends over time. This helps you identify areas where you are consistently struggling and allows you to monitor your progress.
  • Read instructions carefully: Before starting each section of the free online mock test for NDA, make sure you understand the specific instructions and question types included. Because misinterpreting instructions can lead to errors and wasted time.
  • Plan your approach: You should decide how you will allocate time for each section based on its weightage and your strengths. You may start with your strongest section to boost confidence and manage remaining time effectively.
  • Prioritize high-scoring questions: You can identify and prioritize questions carrying higher marks first in the NDA mock test 2025. You might also aim for accuracy in these questions to maximize your score potential.
  • Don't dwell on difficult questions: If you encounter a question that takes too long to solve, mark it for later review and move on. You should avoid wasting valuable time on a single question included in the NDA free mock test. 
  • Utilize elimination techniques: When unsure of the answer, try eliminating clearly incorrect options before making your best guess. This increases your chances of selecting the correct answer.
Without any doubt, NDA is considered to be a very tough examination. But, a dedicated diligent, and properly planned schedule can help you qualify for this exam. You can enhance your preparation strategy by including the mock test series for the NDA exam, PYPs, extra textbooks, etc. in your study material.
It is recommended that you give at least 4 to 6 months for the NDA preparation. In this time span, you can focus on all subjects and topics relevant to the examination. You can also consider solving PYQs and attempting the NDA mock test free online in case you are unable to cover every topic.
The salary of an NDA officer in India depends on the rank and year of service. For the starting salary, NDA cadets receive a stipend of INR 56,1000 per month during the three-year training period. As the officer progresses through their career and rises in rank, they can eventually earn up to INR 2.5 lakhs per month.
After passing the NDA exam and completing the NDA training successfully, you will be commissioned at the rank of Lieutenant. This is the lowest commissioned rank in the Indian Army and Navy. The salary in this post is categorized under level 10 according to the pay structure.
The frequency of NDA mock test free online depends on your individual study plan and comfort level. You can include them in your preparation on a daily or weekly basis. But, do keep in mind to attempt at least five to ten mock tests for effective preparation.
Firstly, you can review each question in the NDA free mock test. Then, you must understand where you went wrong, learn from incorrect mistakes, and focus on improving weaker areas.
It is important to stay calm while approaching difficult questions involved in the NDA mock test for free. You can then start eliminating clearly incorrect options, use the process of elimination, and guess strategically if time pressure demands it. You should always remember that not knowing every answer is normal. So, focus on maximizing your score across sections.
The website of Mockers is a reputable educational platform. You will find several free online mock tests for NDA on this digital portal. Each question is prepared according to the latest NDA exam pattern by the experts. You will even get the NDA mock test with answers for every test.
Mockers follow the real exam question pattern while preparing the NDA mock test with answers. So, you will get 120 questions in each mock test for Mathematics subject and 150 questions in the GAT NDA mock test.
The free online mock tests for NDA practice let you allocate time to each section and question based on its weightage. You can easily analyze where you spend too much or too little time and adjust your approach in subsequent NDA mock tests.
You can combine the NDA mock test with diverse study resources like textbooks, notes, PYPs, and expert guidance. This will help you to avoid relying on the mock test series too much. You should also focus on building a strong foundation of knowledge and understanding.
NDA Mock Tests play a pivotal role in exam preparation by offering you the opportunity to gauge your strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement, and fine-tune your time management skills. They serve as invaluable practice sessions that can significantly enhance performance on the actual exam day.
Yes, NDA Mock Tests are meticulously crafted to mirror the format, syllabus, and difficulty level of the real NDA entrance exam. This authenticity ensures that you experience a realistic testing environment. It allows you to better prepare for the challenges you will encounter on exam day.
While mock test series for the NDA exam can provide valuable insights into your preparedness and performance trends, they should not be viewed as definitive predictors of your actual exam score. Various factors, such as exam day conditions, unforeseen circumstances, and fluctuations in question difficulty, can influence your final result.
Yes, attempting a full-length NDA free mock test is essential to simulate the actual exam experience accurately. These comprehensive mock tests replicate the exam's duration, structure, and intensity. It then allows you to develop the endurance and focus needed to sustain your performance throughout the test duration.
Many online platforms offer accessible and user-friendly interfaces for accessing NDA Mock Tests. And one such brilliant digital platform is Mockers. You can simply register on our website, browse through the available mock tests, and select the ones aligned with your preparation goals. At the end of your NDA mock test free online attempt, you will be provided with detailed performance analysis and feedback to aid in your improvement journey.
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