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Electrical and Electronic Measurements Test 5
Electrical and Electronic Measurements Test 5
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  • Question 1/10
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    The output voltage for the shown voltage divider network is


    quivalent circuit across the point V1 = R || 2R = 2R/3

    By using voltage division,



  • Question 2/10
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    What is the maximum voltage (in V) that can be measured with the above potentiometer if the standardization is done with a 1.02 V standard cell, keeping the jockey at 510 cm during standardization?


    The length of the slide wire = 10 m = 1000 cm

    The potentiometer is standardized at 510 cm.

    The voltage corresponding to 510 cm = 1.02 V

    Voltage corresponding to 1 cm =1.02510=2×103V

    Maximum voltage that can be measured = length of slide wire × voltage per cm

    = 1000 × 2 × 10-3 = 2 V

  • Question 3/10
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    A voltmeter of 1 kΩ resistance and a mili ammeter of 1 Ω resistance are used to measure a unknown resistance by voltmeter-ammeter method. If the voltmeter is connected directly in series with the unknown resistance. If the voltmeter reads 50 V and milli ammeter reads 100 mA, then the magnitude of percentage error in the value of measured resistance is 


    Voltmeter reading (V) = 50 V

    Milli ammeter reading (I) = 100 mA


    Ammeter is connected in to load side. So, the error will be voltage drop across ammeter.

    True voltage drop across resistance = Voltmeter reading – Voltage drop across ammeter

    = 50 – (1) (100 × 10-3) = 49.9 V




  • Question 4/10
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    Which of the following bridges can be balanced?

    (Assume all components to be ideal and their values cannot be made zero or infinite)

    Bridge A: At bridge balance condition,



    The above equation is not possible.

    Therefore, bridge A cannot be balanced.

    Bridge B:

    At bridge balance condition,


    2R1R2 C1C2 = 1


    The above equation is not possible.

    Therefore, bridge B cannot be balanced.

    Bridge C:

    At bridge balance condition,



    R1R4 = R3 (R2 + jωL) (1 + jωR1C1)

    R1R4 = R2R3 + jω R1C1R2R3 + jωLR3 – ω2L R1C1R3

    By comparing both sides,

    R1 C1 R2 R3 + LR3 = 0 L = -R1C1R2

    The above equation is not possible.

    Therefore, bridge C cannot be balanced.

    Bridge D:

    At bridge balance condition,



    jωR1R4C2 = R3 (1 + jωC2R2) (1 + jωR1C1)

    jωR1R4C2 = R3 + jωR3C2R2 + jωR1C1R3 – ω2R1R2R3C1C2

    By comparing both the sides,


    R1R4C2 = R3C2R2 + R1C1R3     

    The above conditions can be true by selecting appropriate values of R1, R2, R3, R4, C1 and C2.

    Therefore, the bridge D can be balanced.

  • Question 5/10
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    A high voltage capacitor is investigated using the Schering bridge shown above. At balance, R3 = 1 kΩ, R4 = 10 kΩ, C1 = 0.1 μF, C3 = 1200 pF.

    The dissipation factor of the unknown capacitor if supply frequency is 400 Hz is


    At bridge balance condition,



    R4Cx (1 + jωR3C3) = R3C1 (1 + jω Cx Rx)

    By comparing both sides




    Dissipation factor = ωCxRx = ωR3C3

    = 2πf R3C3

    = 2π × 400 × 1 × 103 × 1200 × 10-12

    = 0.003   

  • Question 6/10
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    The Hay bridge in the above figure operating at a supply frequency of 5002πHz, is balanced when the components are R1 = 1 kΩ, C3 = 0.2 μF, R3 = 10 Ω and R4 = 500 Ω. Unknown inductor coil is in the second arm (Zx) of the bridge.

    The value of inductance Lp in Henry is _______


    At bridge balance condition, Z1Z4 = Z2Z3



    R1R4Rp + jω R1R4 LpRpLpC3+jωR3RpLp

    By comparing on both sides,


    Lp = R1R4 C3

    Lp = 1 × 103 × 500 × 0.2 × 10-6 = 0.1 H

  • Question 7/10
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    Figure shows a balanced ac bridge excited by a voltage source of fixed frequency. The impedance of the unknown arm Z is


    Let Z = (R4 + jωL4)

    At bridge balance condition

    R1R2 = (R3 + jωL3) (R4 + jωL4)

    R1R2 = R3R4 – ω2L3L4 + jω(L3R4 + R3L4)

    The above bridge can’t be balanced as the term (L3R4 + R3L4) can’t be zero.

    So, the unknown impedance Z should be capacitive in nature.

    Let z = R4 and C4 in series


    At bridge balance condition,



    R1R2=R3R4+L3C4 and ωL3R4=R3ωC4

    As source frequency is fixed, we need to vary L3 and R3 to obtain bridge balance.

    As R3 and L3 are present in the both equations, it is difficult to obtain balance.

    Let z = R4 and C4 in parallel.


    At bridge balance condition,


    ⇒ R1R2 + jωR1R2R4C4 = R3R4 + jωL3R4


    Now it is easy to obtain bridge balance condition. So, the z is a parallel combination of R and C.
  • Question 8/10
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    Consider the unbalanced Wheatstone bridge shown in figure.

    The internal resistance of the galvanometer is 1 ohm. The galvanometer current is ___________ (in mA)


    Vth = Va - Vb


    A screenshot of a cell phoneDescription automatically generated

    Rth = Rab = (110 || 90) + (100 || 100)

    = 99.5Ω

    A screenshot of a cell phoneDescription automatically generated


  • Question 9/10
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    A length of label is tested for insulation resistance by loss of charge method. An electrostatic voltmeter of infinite resistance is connected between the cable conductor such that joint capacitance is 500 μF. If the voltage falls from 400 V to 100 V in one minute then the insulation resistance of the cable will be _______ (in k Ω)

    Insulation resistance of the cable is,



    ⇒ R = 86.56 kΩ
  • Question 10/10
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    An unknown voltage source Eu (with negligible internal resistance) is connected to a potentiometer circuit as shown in the following figure. If the galvanometer current is 10 μA with the direction as indicated, then value of Eu is


    By applying KVL,

    -1.6 + 100 Iw + 500 Iw + 1000 (Iw + Ig) = 0

    ⇒ 1600 Iw + 1000 Ig = 1.6

    ⇒ 1600 Iw + 1000 (10 × 10-6) = 1.6

    ⇒ 1600 Iw + 0.01 = 1.6


    By applying KVL,

    -Eu + Ig(100) + (Iw + Ig) (1000) = 0

    ⇒ Eu = 1000 Iw + 1100 Ig

    = 0.99375 + 0.011 = 1.00475 V

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