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After three years of stagnant and negative growth phase, BMW India is hoping to end the present calendar year with a __________ growth in sales,aided by its revamped country strategy.
It is now strongly focused on higher localisation, refreshed product portfolio and ____________ customer satisfaction levels.
The Company also _____________ an additional investment of Rs. 100 Crore to be spent on factory, training and sales organisations.
With the _______________ of Cloud Computing, Microsoft has a real opportunity in India, the company’s India-born CEO Satya Nadella has said.
More important, these desires and dreams should be __________ with a missionary zeal. It is this zeal that fires our engines and helps us to drive on the road to success.Passion brings with itself the ability to preserve.
It is often up to us to shape our destiny. And it usually depends on whether we get ____________ down by failures or use them as stepping-stones to success.
At the beginning of 21st century, political and economic institutions have converged around the world in a most remarkable way. Deep ideological cleavages ___________ the world in the last century;monarchy,communism,fascism and liberal democracy bitterly competed for political supremacy.
The problem with liberalism,however, is that in search of freedom and social justice, liberals either get impatient or have to exert power through vast bureaucracies.This ______________to experiments of political and social engineering.
The easiest way to achieve higher growth in the short run is to ________________that the projects that are under way are completed in time so that output will flow out of them.
The metallic letters at the entrance of the house read ‘Swati Mukundam’ ans as one steps inside the hall, one can see a series of paintings ____________the walls.
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