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A finite ladder is constructed by connecting several sections of capacitor combinations as shown in the figure. It is terminated by a capacitor of capacitance C. What value should be chosen for C, such that the equivalent capacitance of the ladder between the points A and B becomes independent of the number of sections in between
By using formula We get
Figure shows two capacitors connected in series and joined to a battery. The graph shows the variation in potential as one moves from left to right on the branch containing the capacitors.
According to graph we can say that potential difference across the capacitor C1 is more than that across C2. Since charge Q is same i.e.,
Two condensers of capacity C and 2C are connected in parallel and these are charged upto V volt. If the battery is removed and dielectric medium of constant K is put between the plates of first condenser, then the potential at each condenser is
Condenser A has a capacity of 15 mF when it is filled with a medium of dielectric constant 15. Another condenser B has a capacity 1 mF with air between the plates. Both are charged separately by a battery of 100V. after charging, both are connected in parallel without the battery and the dielectric material being removed. The common potential now is
Charge on capacitor A is given by
Charge on capacitor B is given by
Capacity of capacitor A after removing dielectric
Now when both capacitors are connected in parallel their equivalent capacitance will be
A capacitor of is charged upto 500V is connected in parallel with another capacitor of which is charged upto 200V. The common potential is
In the circuit shown
Given circuit can be redrawn as follows
As shown in the figure two identical capacitors are connected to a battery of V volts in parallel. When capacitors are fully charged, their stored energy is u1. If the key K is opened and a material of dielectric constant k = 3 is inserted in each capacitor, their stored energy is now
Initially potential difference across both the capacitor is same hence energy of the system is
In the second case when key K is opened and dielectric medium is filled between the plates, capacitance of both the capacitors becomes 3C, while potential difference across A is V and potential difference across B is hence energy of the system now is
In the following figure the resultant capacitance between A and B is The capacitance C is
Given network can be simplified as follows
A capacitor and a capacitor are connected in parallel across a 1200 volts line. The charged capacitors are then disconnected from the line and from each other. These two capacitors are now connected to each other in parallel with terminals of unlike signs together. The charges on the capacitors will now be
Initially charge on capacitors can be calculated as follows
The two condensers of capacitances and are in series. The outer plate of the first condenser is at 1000 volts and the outer plate of the second condenser is earthed. The potential of the inner plate of each condenser is
Here, potential difference across the combination is
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