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All fluorine atoms are in same plane in
Arrangement of Fluorine Atoms in Molecules
The incorrect order of bond angle
Bond Angles and Molecular Geometry
What will be the effect on the equilibrium constant on increasing temperature, if the reaction neither absorbs heat nor releases heat?
Equilibrium Constant and Temperature Effects
Additional Information
Which of the following is incorrect statement?
Understanding Reaction Orders and Equilibrium Statements
If there are no intermolecular forces of attraction then the volume occupied by the molecules of 4.5 kg of water at STP will be
When propionic acid is treated with aqueous sodium bicarbonate, CO2 is liberated. The ‘C’ of CO2 comes from
Reaction of Propionic Acid with Sodium Bicarbonate
The correct answer is bicarbonate.
Which one of the following acids is thermally most unstable
Thermal Stability of Organic Acids
The correct answer is Option 1: CH3 – CO – COOH.
Which of the following compounds does not evolve brown coloured gas on heating?
Decomposition of Metal Nitrates and the Evolution of NO2
2 Pb(NO3)2 → 2 PbO + 4 NO2 + O2
4 LiNO3 → 2 Li2O + 4 NO2 + O2
2 Ca(NO3)2 → 2 CaO + 4 NO2 + O2
2 KNO3 → 2 KNO2 + O2
The correct answer is Option 4: KNO3.
Which of the following is liable to be oxidised by periodic acid?
Oxidation by Periodic Acid (HIO4)
All three compounds are oxidized by periodic acid (Option 4)
Acetyl chloride does not react with
Reactivity of Acetyl Chloride (CH3COCl)
The correct answer is option 4. It reacts with all the three.
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