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Physics Test - 20
Physics Test - 20
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  • Question 1/10
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    Which instrument is used for measuring the relative humidity of the atmosphere?

    • Hygrometer- Measuring the relative humidity of the atmosphere.
    • Hydrophone - For measuring sound underwater.
    • Pyrheliometer - Measuring solar radiation received at the earth.
    • Hydrometer - Measuring the relative density or specific gravity of the liquid.
  • Question 2/10
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    Dimensions of resistance in an electrical circuit, in terms of dimension of mass M, of length L, of time T and current I, would be



    (∵Potential difference is equal to work done per unit charge)

    So, dimensions of R



  • Question 3/10
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    An inclined plane making an angle β with horizontal. A projectile projected from the bottom of the plane with a speed u at angle αα with horizontal, then its maximum range Rmax is


    The expression of horizontal Range R =2u2sin(αβ)cosαgcos2β

    From identity

    2 sin A cos B = sin (A+B) + sin (A−B)

    2 sin (α−β) cos α = sin (2α−β) + sin (−β)

    R =u2gcos2β[sin(2α−β)−sinβ]

    Range R along incline is maximum if 2α−β=π/2 (as β is fixed)

    So, Rmax=u2gcos2β[1sinβ]
  • Question 4/10
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    The acceleration of an electron in the first orbit of the hydrogen atom (n=1) is :


    For H−atom (n=1)



    Squaring (2)


    Dividing both sides by r3,



  • Question 5/10
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    A laser light of wavelength 660 nm is used to weld Retina detachment. If a laser pulse of width 60 ms and power 0.5 kW is used, the approximate number of photons in the pulse are (Take Planck's Constant, h=6.62×10−34 J s


    Power P is given as ,

  • Question 6/10
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    A signal of frequency 20 kHz and peak voltage of 5 Volt is used to modulate a carrier wave of frequency 1.2 MHz and peak voltage 25 Volts. Choose the correct statement.


    Modulation idex =m=VmVc=525


    carrier Frequency 1.2×103kHz

    fc = 1200 kHz

    lower side band frequency f1 = 1200 - 20 = 1180 KHz

    Upper band frequency f2 = 1200 + 20 = 1220 KHz

  • Question 7/10
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    Charges Q, 2Q and −Q are given to three concentric conducting spherical shells A, B and C respectively, as shown in the figure. The ratio of charges on the inner and outer surfaces of the shell C will be


    Due to induction of charge on surface facing each other will be equal and opposite.

    Ratio =-32

  • Question 8/10
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    A stationary source (see figure) emits sound waves of frequency f towards a stationary wall. If an observer moving with speed uu in a direction perpendicular to the wall measures a frequency f′=11/8f at the instant shown, then uu is related to the speed of sound Vs as


    This is the case of Doppler's effect in reflected sound.

    The apparent frequency is given by



    v0= u

    vs=0 (stationary source)






  • Question 9/10
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    A coil, in the shape of an equilateral triangle of side l, is suspended between two pole pieces of a permanent magnet, such that the magnetic field B is in the plane of the coil. If due to current I in the triangle, a torque τ acts on it, the side l of the triangle is


    Torque acting on an equilateral triangle in a magnetic field B is


    Area ofΔLMN:A=34l2

    and θ=90o

    Substituting the given values in the expression for torque, we have



  • Question 10/10
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    Consider a collection of a large number of particles each moving with speed v. The direction of velocity is randomly distributed in the collection. Find the magnitude of the relative velocity between a pair of particles averaged over all the pairs in the collection.


    Consider any two particles whose velocity vector particles making angle θ.

    Relative velocity vAB = vA - vB



    Average of vrel02πverldθ02πdθ=4vπ

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