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Body Fluids and Circulation Test 3
Body Fluids and Circulation Test 3
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  • Question 1/20
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    Blood plasma proteins :
    i. decrease in their level causes excessive absorption of water from tissues into blood.
    ii. they maintain osmotic pressure.


    Fibrinogen, globulins and albumins are the major proteins. The albumins help in osmotic balance.

  • Question 2/20
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    The mass of tissue seen in the left corner of the right atrium close to the atri-ventricular septum is


    The mass of tissue seen in the lower left corner of the right atrium close to the atrio-ventricular septum called the atrio-ventricular node (AVN).

  • Question 3/20
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    Match the following:


    Antherosclerosis leads to high blood pressure, haemorrhage causes hypotension, heparin is used as anticoagulant and polycythemia causes abnormal increase in RBC count.

  • Question 4/20
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    Manoj has AB blood group, so he will have the following antibodies in his blood plasma :


    AB blood group does not have any antibodies in plasma. That's why AB blood group is a universal recipient.

  • Question 5/20
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    Look at the following ECGs: 



    Both electro cardiogram (ECG) represents myocardial infarction in which heart do not receive the sufficient oxygen due to blockage of coronary artery.

  • Question 6/20
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    When a person suffers from chest pain :
    i. the reason for this suffering is decreased blood flow and simultaneously lowered oxygen supply to an area of the heart.
    ii. deprived of oxygen, myocardium opts for alternative pathways i.e. anaerobic respiration and its byproduct ethanol causes the pain.


    A symptom of acute chest pain appears when no enough oxygen is reaching the heart muscle.

  • Question 7/20
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    Lymph will transport :


    Fats are absorbed through lymph in the lacteals present in the intestinal villi.

  • Question 8/20
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    Blood pressure is expressed as the ratio of systolic over diastolic pressure. The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure is called pulse pressure. What will be its value for a normal healthy adult?


    Blood pressure is represented as the ratio of systolic over diastolic pressure. The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure is called pulse pressure. The value of normal healthy pulse pressure is 40 mm Hg.

  • Question 9/20
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    As Soham, ages with chronic CAD the lumen of his coronary artery may get nearly completely obstructed Result is flow of blood to heart tissue is restricted such that the tissue receives inadequate supply of oxygen rich blood and this condition is diagnosed as :


    In case of chronic CAD, the lumen of coronary artery may get nearly completely obstructed that results into restricted flow of blood to heart. The tissue receives inadequate bloods called myocardial ischemia.

  • Question 10/20
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    In our blood :
    i. Granulocytes which constitutes maximum percentage of total leucocytes are neutrophils.
    ii. Elevated number of neutrophils in blood indicates an acute infection such as appendicitis.


    In human blood, granulocytes and agranulocytes types of leucocytes are present. Neutrophils constitute the maximum percentage of total WBCs. Sharp increase in number of neutrophils in blood indicates an acute infection such as appendicitis.

  • Question 11/20
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    In the human heart : 
    i. The valve between right atrium and right ventricle is tricuspid while valve between left atrium and left ventricle is mitral valve.
    ii. Openings of the right and the left ventricles into the pulmonary artery and the aorta are guarded by semilunar valves.
    iii. ‘Lub’ the first sound which is low pitched is caused by the closure of semilunar valves while ‘Dub’ the second sound which is high pitched is caused by the closure of bicuspid and tricuspid valves.


    The first heart sound (lub) is associated with the closure of the tricuspid and bicuspid valves whereas the second heart sound (dub) is associated with the closure of the semilunar valves.

  • Question 12/20
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    Meghna suffers from allergic asthma. After a blood test her leucocyte count displayed an abnormal increase in the number of :


    In case of allergic asthma, leucocyte count of blood test shows abnormal increase in the number of Eosinophils

  • Question 13/20
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    ___________ is a condition where a blood clot forms in the circulatory system. 


    Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a type of clot that forms in a major vein of the leg or, less commonly, in the arms, pelvis, or other large veins in the body.

  • Question 14/20
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    Each cardiac cycle takes 0.8 seconds to occur. Calculate how many cardiac cycles occur in 4 minutes ?


    4 min = 240 sec. Therefore, 240/0.8 = 300 cardiac cycles.

  • Question 15/20
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    The average diameter of Red Blood Corpuscles of man is


    The average diameter of red blood corpuscles of man is 7.2μm.
    Red blood cells are also called RBCs or Red blood corpuscles. RBC transports oxygen to tissues and removes carbon dioxide from the body. Nearly half of the blood's volume i.e 40 to 45% is red blood cells. In humans, mature red blood cells are flexible and oval biconcave disks with an average diameter of 7.2μm.

  • Question 16/20
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    When blood clot starts contracting, a pale yellow fluid starts oozing out. Its name and composition is :


    Plasma without the clotting factors is called serum. The clotting factors include fibrinogen and blood corpuscles

  • Question 17/20
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    The left atrium receives deoxygenated blood in :


    The left atrium receives deoxygenated blood in reptiles like lizards.

  • Question 18/20
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    Sarla is on protein-deficient diet. As a result her plasma proteins content is reduced. She may develop symptom like :


    Consuming protein deficient diet for longer duration may results into reduction in protein plasma reduction. The symptoms that appear on body includes swelling of hands and feet.

  • Question 19/20
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    Ramesh has Rh antigen and Anti-A as well as Anti-B antibodies in his blood. During blood transfusion he can receive blood from :


    Since he has both antibodies A and Band has Rh antigen and hence has O + blood group. So, he can receive blood from O-positive blood group.

  • Question 20/20
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    Match the following:


    Waller performed first ECG. Landsteiner and Weiner discovered rhesus antigen (Rh). De castello and Steini shows the AB blood grouping and Landsteiner A,B,O blood grouping.

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