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Electric Current Test - 6
Electric Current Test - 6
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  • Question 1/10
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    When a resistor of 11 Ω is connected in series with an electric cell. The current flowing in it is 0.5 A. Instead when a resistor of 5Ω is connected to the same electric cell in a series combination, the current increases to 0.9 A. The internal resistance of the cell is



  • Question 2/10
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    The potential difference across the terminals of a battery is 50 V when 11 A current is drawn and 60 V when 1 A current is drawn. The emf and the internal resistance of the battery are


    For a closed circuit, cell supplies a constant current in the circuit. 

    Equation of cell E=V+l, 

    For V= 50V 


    Similarly, for V=60V 


    from Eqs. (i)and (ii), we get E=61V


  • Question 3/10
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    In CuSO4 solution when electric current equal to 2.5 faradays is passed, the gm equivalent deposited on the cathode is


    On passing 2 faradays, 1 g equivalent is deposited. Hence, on passing 2.5 faradays, the deposited equivalent will be equal to 1.25 g equivalent.


  • Question 4/10
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    Five resistances are connected as shown in the figure. The effective resistance between points A and B is 


    It is a parallel combination of three resistances, each of 10 Ω. 

    ∴ The effective resistance between point A and B. 


  • Question 5/10
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    Three resistors 1Ω, 2Ω and 3Ω are connected to form a triangle. Across 3 Ω resistor, a 3V battery is connected. The current through 3Ω resistor is



  • Question 6/10
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    The ratio of the amounts of heat developed in the four arms of a balance Wheatstone bridge, when the arms have resistances P = 100Ω, Q = 10Ω, R = 300Ω and S = 30Ω respectively is


    Let i be the total current passing through balanced Wheatstone bridge. Current though arms of resistances P and Q in series is 


  • Question 7/10
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    Let i be the total current passing through balanced Wheatstone bridge. Current though arms of resistances P and Q in series is 




  • Question 8/10
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    There are two bulbs, connected in series, a 25 W-220 V bulb and another 100 W-220 V bulb. Which electric bulb will glow more brightly?



  • Question 9/10
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    In the circuit shown in figure, the emf and internal resistance of the battery are E and r. R1 and R2 are two resistance of fixed resistance. As the side of variable resistor R moves towards A, the current I1 through R1 and current I2 through R2 change as follows- 


    As variable resistor moves towards A resistor towards A resistance in series with R2 decreases and hence I2 will increase, and I1 will decrease since R1 and R2 are in parallel.


  • Question 10/10
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    An ideal coil of 10H is connected in series with a resistance of 5Ω and a battery of 5 V. 2 seconds after the connection is made, the current flowing in amperes in the circuit is



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