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When a resistor of 11 Ω is connected in series with an electric cell. The current flowing in it is 0.5 A. Instead when a resistor of 5Ω is connected to the same electric cell in a series combination, the current increases to 0.9 A. The internal resistance of the cell is
The potential difference across the terminals of a battery is 50 V when 11 A current is drawn and 60 V when 1 A current is drawn. The emf and the internal resistance of the battery are
For a closed circuit, cell supplies a constant current in the circuit.
Equation of cell E=V+l,
For V= 50V
Similarly, for V=60V
from Eqs. (i)and (ii), we get E=61V
In CuSO4 solution when electric current equal to 2.5 faradays is passed, the gm equivalent deposited on the cathode is
On passing 2 faradays, 1 g equivalent is deposited. Hence, on passing 2.5 faradays, the deposited equivalent will be equal to 1.25 g equivalent.
Five resistances are connected as shown in the figure. The effective resistance between points A and B is
It is a parallel combination of three resistances, each of 10 Ω.
∴ The effective resistance between point A and B.
Three resistors 1Ω, 2Ω and 3Ω are connected to form a triangle. Across 3 Ω resistor, a 3V battery is connected. The current through 3Ω resistor is
The ratio of the amounts of heat developed in the four arms of a balance Wheatstone bridge, when the arms have resistances P = 100Ω, Q = 10Ω, R = 300Ω and S = 30Ω respectively is
Let i be the total current passing through balanced Wheatstone bridge. Current though arms of resistances P and Q in series is
There are two bulbs, connected in series, a 25 W-220 V bulb and another 100 W-220 V bulb. Which electric bulb will glow more brightly?
In the circuit shown in figure, the emf and internal resistance of the battery are E and r. R1 and R2 are two resistance of fixed resistance. As the side of variable resistor R moves towards A, the current I1 through R1 and current I2 through R2 change as follows-
As variable resistor moves towards A resistor towards A resistance in series with R2 decreases and hence I2 will increase, and I1 will decrease since R1 and R2 are in parallel.
An ideal coil of 10H is connected in series with a resistance of 5Ω and a battery of 5 V. 2 seconds after the connection is made, the current flowing in amperes in the circuit is
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