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In each of the following questions, select the one from the following figures which satisfies the conditions of the Dot.
In fig. (x), (left to right) the first dot lies in the region common to the all (circle, triangle, pentagon and rectangle), the second dot lies in the region common to circle, triangle, pentagon only and the third dot lies in the region common to circle and triangle only. In all the figures only fig. (B. consist all types of conditions of the dots.
How many meaningful word can be formed with the third, fourth, sixth and twelfth letters of the word BREAKTHROUGH?
The third, fourth, sixth and twelfth letters of the word BREAKTHROUGH are E, A, T and H respectively. The words are HATE and HEAT. So, there are two words can be formed by the letters.
Letters of the given word are jumbled up. Construct a word by using these letters.
By using the jumbled letters, the constructed word is : EQUATION.
Continue the analogy as that of the previous segment:
The arrow element is turning 225 degrees clockwise, the trapezium is getting inverted, and the dot dash element is turning 90 degrees clockwise. So in this way, the answer for question part will be option (a).
Find out if we overlap half the sheet over remaining half portion, what will be the outcome:
After looking very carefully, we’ll find that option (b) is the correct image for the question figure.
In each of the following questions, select a figure from amongst the four alternatives, which, when placed in the blank space of figure (X) would complete the pattern.
Complete the pattern.
figure B complete the pattern
figure C complete the pattern
figure D complete the pattern
Select the related word from the alternatives
Brood : Hen :: Litter : ?
Brood is the child of Hen, similarly Litters is the child of Kittens.
The one-tenth of square of 21 will be?
The square of 21 = 21 x 21 = 441 One-tenth of it, i.e. (1/10) x 441 = 44.1
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