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So, the correct answer is option B.
Topping the cleanliness chart for _____________ years, Indore stands in the face of the notion that huge population breeds filth in a city.
IA. They generally choose austere B. He was known for C. They lived an austere IID. his austere style of writing.E. furnishings for the office.F. life in the country.
IA. Humanity has been understood as the B. The necessary condition for being humble in the Indian context is C. Reducing pride to one indexD. respecting differences and tolerate plurality of opinion.E. would give rise "arrogant nationalism".F. ethical capacity for continuous self-appraisal.
IA) Alzheimer’s is a brain disorder that effects millions of people globally and is emergingB) The cumulative use of pesticides hasC) The boreal forests are an integral part of the natural ecosystem and are vital
IID) for the livelihood of both local inhabitants as well as wildlife.E) as a major illness in the ageing populations in India.F) doubled in the last decade and most of it runs off in our rivers.
In A, "affects" should be used instead of "effects".
Affects: to act on; produce an effect or change in. Effects: result
In part D, "both local inhabitants as well as wildlife" is incorrect as "both" takes "and" and not "as well as". Note that 'has' used in segment B is perfectly fine, because we are not talking about plural entity 'pesticides', but we are talking about its cumulative 'use' and not 'uses'. The correct answer is option B.
Imports of nylon yarn from China is another mare's nest for the textile industry, especially in Surat.
The phrase A mare’s nest means something supposed to be a wonderful discovery but turning out to be a hoax or a delusion/ A state of disorder or confusion.So, the correct answer is option D.
The phrase means a small degree or a little bit. So, the correct answer is option C.
The phrase Cast Iron stomach means - Someone who has no problems, complications or ill effects with eating anything. So, the correct answer is option A.
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