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Reading Comprehension Test 20
Reading Comprehension Test 20
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  • Question 1/10
    2.5 / -0.83

    Directions For Questions

    Read the following passage and answer the item that follows. Your answer to this item should be based on the passage only.

    There has been a significant trend worldwide towards regionalism in government, resulting in a widespread transfer of powers downwards towards regions and communities since the 1990s. This process, which involves the creation of new political entities and bodies at a sub-national level and an increase in their content and powers, is known as devolution. Devolution has been characterized as being made up of political legitimacy. Political legitimacy here means a mass demand from below.

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    Which of the following assumptions made from the above passage is/are valid?

    The correct answer is Devolution is characterized by the decentralization of authority.

    Key Points

    • Note: Assumption: A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.
    • Let’s examine each of the statements carefully
    • Statement 1: The upper tier of government is strengthened by devolution.
      • This statement is incorrect.
      • Devolution gives powers to regional communities and bodies at the sub-national level.
    • Statement 2: Devolution is characterized by the decentralization of authority.
      • This statement is correct.
      • Decentralization is the transfer of control of an activity or organization to several local offices or authorities rather than one single one.
      • It has been mentioned in the passage that, decentralization involves "the creation of new political entities and bodies at a sub-national level and an increase in their content and powers".
      • Hence, devolution is characterized by the decentralization of authority.
    • Statement 3: The emergence of powerful mass leaders is essential to create sub-national political entities. 
      • This statement is out of context.
      • Hence, it cannot be an assumption of the given passage.
    • Statement 4: For devolution to take place, a strong feeling of regionalism in the masses is essential.
      • It has been explicitly stated in the passage that, regionalism has resulted in a "widespread transfer of powers downwards towards regions and communities since the 1990s", which reflects the ideals of devolution.
      • Hence, this statement cannot be an assumption of the given passage.

    Therefore, the correct answer is Devolution is characterized by the decentralization of authority.

  • Question 2/10
    2.5 / -0.83

    Directions For Questions

    Read the following passage and answer the items that follow. Your answer to these items should be based on the passages only.

    The Committee for Reforms in Criminal Laws attracted criticism when it was formed last year, as many feared a hurried process without adequate and wide consultation. Some lawyers and activists said it was not inclusive and questioned its ability to gather a wide range of opinions in the midst of a pandemic. While such points of criticism remain, it appears that the panel would go ahead and make its recommendations soon. In the context of the hate speech provisions, it must direct its efforts to define narrowly the sections it proposes to formulate and avoid the pitfall of using vague and overbroad terms that would fall foul of the Constitution.

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    Which of the following assumption is/are valid from the given passage? 

    1. Better opinions from the various sections of the society would be missed out in the committee's recommendations
    2. Hate speech provisions are being included in the report of the Committee for Reforms in Criminal Laws


    The correct answer is Both 1 and 2. 

    Key Points

    • Statement 1 is correct, from the passage '...Some lawyers and activists said it was not inclusive and questioned its ability to gather a wide range of opinions in the midst of a pandemic...' we can assume that the better opinions will be left out due to the non-inclusive of people from various groups. 
    • Statement 2 is also correct, from the passage, '...In the context of the hate speech provisions, it must direct its efforts to define narrowly the sections it proposes to formulate and avoid the pitfall of using vague and overbroad terms that would fall foul of the Constitution...' we can clearly assume that hate speech provisions are being included in the report of Committee for Reforms in Criminal Laws. 
  • Question 3/10
    2.5 / -0.83

    Directions For Questions

    Read the following passage and answer the item that follows. Your answer to this item should be based on the passage only.

    The concept of elections needs to be debated mainly around five issues: Financial costs of conducting elections; cost of repeated administrative freezes; visible and invisible costs of repeatedly deploying security forces; campaign and finance costs of political parties; and the question of regional/smaller parties having a level playing field. NITI Aayog argued that multiple elections incur many direct and indirect disadvantages. For example, directly budgeted costs are around Rs. 300 crore for a state the size of Bihar. However, there are other financial costs and incalculable economic costs. Also, the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) affects the government's functionary, as no new significant policy can be announced and executed after the elections are announced. Trying to force an artificial cycle of elections and restricting the choice for voters is not correct. In simultaneously held elections, voters are reportedly likely to predominantly vote one way, giving the dominant party at the Centre an advantage.

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    Which of the following assumptions made from the above passage is/are valid?

    1. The economic costs of elections are incalculable.
    2. There exists a policy paralysis.
    3. Simultaneous elections is against the spirit of democracy.
    4. The regional parties are at disadvantage due to simultaneous elections.
    The correct answer is 2, 3 and 4.

    Key Points
    • Note: Assumption: A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.
    • Let’s examine each of the statements carefully:
    • Statement 1: The economic costs of elections are incalculable.
      • This statement is one of the general sentences from the passage.
      • Hence, it cannot be an assumption of the given passage.
    • Statement 2: There exists a policy paralysis.
      • This statement is correct.
      • Policy paralysis refers to the delays, inaction and inability to take policy decisions by the government or its various departments and agencies which run the country and the economy. Policy paralysis stalls the economy and growth of a country.
      • It has been mentioned in the given passage that, "multiple elections incur many direct and indirect disadvantages" and "there are other financial costs, and incalculable economic costs".
      • Also, "the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) also affects the government's functionary, as no new significant policy can be announced and executed after the elections are announced". 
      • Hence, there exists a policy paralysis.
    • Statement 3: Simultaneous elections are against the spirit of democracy.
      • This statement is correct.
      • Power-sharing is the spirit of democracy.
      • In a democracy, the people have a right to be consulted on how they should be governed and all the citizens tend to have the same political and legal rights.
      • It has been mentioned in the given passage that, "Trying to force an artificial cycle of elections and restricting the choice for voters is not correct".
      • Also, the greater the party fragmentation and the bigger the ideological distance between different parties, the more the constituency will benefit in terms of interest representation, which means that, the “rights of political participation” should be enhanced, thus, leading to more democracy.
      • But, "In simultaneously held elections, voters are reportedly likely to predominantly vote one way, giving the dominant party at the Centre an advantage".
      • Hence, simultaneous elections are totally against the spirit of democracy.
    • Statement 4: The regional parties are at disadvantage due to simultaneous elections.
      • This statement is correct.
      • It has been mentioned in the given passage that, "In simultaneously held elections, voters are reportedly likely to predominantly vote one way, giving the dominant party at the Centre an advantage".
      • Thus, 'rights of political participation' by different regional political parties are being undermined.
      • Hence, the regional parties are at disadvantage due to simultaneous elections.

    Therefore, the correct answer is 2, 3 and 4.

  • Question 4/10
    2.5 / -0.83

    Directions For Questions

    Read the following passage and answer the item that follows. Your answer to this item should be based on the passage only.

    According to the Uttarakhand Forest Department data, since October 1, 2020, alone 1,028 incidents of wildfires have occurred. Further, it has also affected more than 1,359 hectares of forest land. The forest areas of the districts of Nainital, Almora, Tehri Garhwal, and Pauri Garhwal have all seen the fires so far. In general, the peak in wildfires occurs in the months of May and June in Uttarakhand. But this year so far 983 forest fire incidents occurred.

    The major reasons for the fire are: less rain in the winter months; Pandemic-induced lockdown left a lot of combustible material, mostly pine needles on forest floors. With the “peak time” for wildfires is yet to come the forests in Uttarakhand are more vulnerable to forest fires. Throwing away cigarette butts without completely extinguishing them can lead to wildfires. Increased temperatures due to global warming are making the forests more vulnerable to forest fires.

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    Which of the following assumptions made from the above passage is/are valid?

    1. Burning debris causes forest fires.
    2. Smoking is one of the causes of forest fires globally. 

    The correct answer is 2 only.

    Key Points

    • Note: Assumption: A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.
    • Let’s examine each of the statements carefully:
    • Statement 1: Burning debris causes forest fires.
      • This statement is out of context.
      • Hence, it cannot be an assumption of the given passage.
    • Statement 2: Smoking is one of the causes of forest fires globally. 
      • This statement is correct.
      • It has been mentioned in the given passage that, "Throwing away the cigarette butts without completely extinguishing them can lead to wildfires".
      • A worldwide study of smoking-related fire by epidemiologists reports that smoking is the leading cause of fires and deaths globally.

    Therefore, the correct answer is 2 only.

  • Question 5/10
    2.5 / -0.83

    Directions For Questions

    Read the following passage and answer the item that follows. Your answer to this item should be based on the passage only.

    The liberalization regime launched in 1991 completed its 30 years in 2021. 1991 was a landmark moment in India’s post-independence history that changed the nature of the economy in fundamental ways. A severe balance of payments problem triggered an acute economic crisis in 1991. In response, India’s economic establishment launched a multipronged reforms agenda to repair India’s macroeconomic balance sheet and ignite growth.

    Three decades later, the country faces another big test due to the Covid-19 pandemic. While the two crises differ vastly in content and structure, they are completely comparable in their respective severities. The 1991 crisis was caused by excess domestic demand sucking in imports and widening the current account deficit (CAD). The pandemic-induced lockdown brought the wheels of economic activity to a grinding halt, triggering a sharp economic contraction. Investment is a key source of aggregate demand and economic growth. Today’s reforms also require much more discussion and consensus-building. 

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    Which of the following assumptions made from the above passage is/are valid?

    1. The 1991 crisis was caused by a high fiscal deficit.

    2. The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a collapse in production.

    The correct answer is 1 only.
    Key Points
    • Note: Assumption: A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.
    • Let’s examine each of the statements carefully:
    • Statement 1: The 1991 crisis was caused by a high fiscal deficit.
      • This statement is correct.
      • It has been mentioned in the given passage that, "The 1991 crisis was caused by excess domestic demand sucking in imports and widening the current account deficit (CAD)".
      • A current account deficit indicates that a country is importing more than it is exporting.
      • A fiscal deficit refers to a situation where the government’s expenditure exceeds the revenues that it would generate. In simple terms, the government that has a fiscal deficit is spending beyond its means.
      • India’s current account is driven by a fiscal deficit.
      • The surging current account deficit has the potential to fuel inflation and widen the fiscal deficit.
      • Hence, the 1991 crisis was caused by a high fiscal deficit.
    • Statement 2: The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a collapse in production.
      • It has been explicitly stated in the given passage that, "The pandemic-induced lockdown brought the wheels of economic activity to a grinding halt, triggering a sharp economic contraction".
      • The pandemic has resulted in a collapse in production following the disruption caused by the pandemic, which, in turn, has caused a fall in demand.
      • Hence, this statement cannot be an assumption of the given passage. 

    Therefore, the correct answer is 1 only.

  • Question 6/10
    2.5 / -0.83

    Directions For Questions

    Read the following passage and answer the item that follows. Your answer to this item should be based on the passage only.

    In popular perception, Indian courts are associated with long delays and difficulties for ordinary litigants. According to data released by the Supreme Court in June 2020, 3.27 crore cases are pending before Indian courts, of which 85,000 have been pending for over 30 years. Technological interventions in the form of e-courts are being established to address the issue of pendency and other problems. However, technology can only be used to revolutionize India’s courts when it operates within the constitutional framework of the fundamental rights of citizens. If not, technology can further exclusion, inequity and surveillance.

    This is of particular concern since the data collected, shared and collated through the e-Courts project will be housed within the Home Ministry. The e-Committee of the Supreme Court of India recently released its draft vision document for Phase III of the e-Courts project. Phases I and II had dealt with the digitization of the judiciary, i.e., e-filing, tracking cases online, uploading judgments online, etc. This has helped in easing justice delivery procedures. Phase III envisages creating a 360-degree profile of each person by integrating all of their interactions with government agencies into a unified database.

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    Which of the following assumptions made from the above passage is/are valid?

    1. E-courts give the opportunity to use technology in order to streamline judicial processes, reduce pendency, and help the litigants. 

    2. 360-degree profiling of an individual creates a fear of targeted surveillance.


    The correct answer is Both 1 and 2.

    Key Points

    • Note: Assumption: A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.
    • Let’s examine each of the statements carefully:  
    • Statement 1: E-courts gives the opportunity to use technology in order to streamline judicial processes, reduce pendency, and help the litigants. 
      • This statement is correct.
      • It has been mentioned in the given passage that, "Technological interventions in the form of e-courts are being established to address the issue of pendency and other problems".
      • E-courts develop, install & implement decision support systems in courts.
      • E-courts help to automate the processes to provide transparency in accessibility of information to its stakeholders.
      • E-courts help to enhance judicial productivity, both qualitatively & quantitatively, to make the justice delivery system affordable, accessible, cost-effective, predictable, reliable and transparent.
    • Statement 2: 360-degree profiling of an individual creates a fear of targeted surveillance.
      • This statement is correct.
      • It has been mentioned in the given passage that, "Phase III envisages creating a 360-degree profile of each person by integrating all of their interactions with government agencies into a unified database".
      • 360-degree profiling of an individual has been perfected by social media platforms and technology companies for targeted advertisements.
      • The difference is that when technology companies do this, we get targeted advertising, but if the government does it, we get targeted surveillance.

    Therefore, the correct answer is Both 1 and 2.

  • Question 7/10
    2.5 / -0.83

    Directions For Questions

    Read the following passage and answer the items that follow. Your answer to these items should be based on the passages only.

    Children have little or no agency of their own and are still dependent on adults to get by, and the disruption that COVID-19 has wrought on their lives is devastating. The experience of States that sprang to the assistance of children orphaned by the Indian Ocean tsunami can be factored in — they were embraced into the safety net of the social security system, and funds were placed in a trust for them for use when they reach a certain age. While the plans announced under the PM CARES Fund include this, and are far more expansive looking at funding schooling, higher education, even health insurance, a promise is nothing if not fulfilled. The responsibility of the Government now is to go the full mile to ensure that these benefits reach every child fitting the criteria, besides making sure that the children are not exploited with an eye on the eventual bounty. The several States have announced their child-care packages on similar lines too, with some setting up monitoring committees to ensure implementation. Sincere implementation through committed staff, and using existing systems such as 1098 for periodic identification of children in need would be the cornerstones of such a project, especially at a time when the onslaught of COVID-19 is far from over.

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    Which of the assumptions given below is/are valid?

    1. Children orphaned by COVID -19 are in urgent need of rescue and relief.
    2. There is a need for better monitoring procedures for the relief of Children orphaned by COVID -19


    The correct answer is Both 1 and 2. 

    Key Points

    • Both the statements are valid assumptions. 
    • Statement 1: From the passage,
      • '...Children have little or no agency of their own and are still dependent on adults to get by, and the disruption that COVID-19 has wrought on their lives is devastating....'
      • ​It is clear that the Children orphaned by COVID -19 are in need of urgent rescue as well as relief, as the orphan children are under no guidance and vulnerable to social evils.
    • Statement 2: From the passage,
      • '....PM CARES Fund include this, and are far more expansive looking at funding schooling, higher education, even health insurance, a promise is nothing if not fulfilled....'
      • '...similar lines too, with some setting up monitoring committees to ensure implementation. Sincere implementation through committed staff, and using existing systems...'
    • This indicates that there is a need for better procedures to handle child care packages. 
  • Question 8/10
    2.5 / -0.83

    Directions For Questions

    Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Your answers should be based on the passage only.

    It is a positive development that the government has recognised the criticality of financing long-term infrastructure requirements by announcing the setting up of a new DFI. The New DFI is expected to build a portfolio of ₹5 trillion in the next three years. The ownership and organisation structure are critical and require greater clarity as this would have bearing on the functioning, flexibility, governance of the institution and its long-term sustainability.

    If it needs to build a portfolio of ₹5 trillion over a period of three years, the capital base needs to be augmented further by three times. If it is proposed as 100 per cent government entity, then government will have to infuse capital from time to time.

    Alternatively, government may allow equity investment by institutions having long term horizon like insurance companies, pension funds to augment the capital, which means the government holding would have to go down.

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    Read the following statements:

    1. DFI can fulfil the loopholes in infrastructural funding in India.

    2. Banks do not have sufficient resources to fund infrastructure projects in India.

    Which of the above is/are the implicit assumption(s) in the passage?


    The correct answer is '1 only'.

    Key Points

    • Let us examine the given statements:
    • Statement 1 underlines the rationale behind the setting up of DFI.
    • The institution has been set up to provide infrastructural lending which is long-term in nature.
    • This means that existing institutions for funding infrastructure projects have been insufficient.
    • Therefore, statement 1 is correct.            
    • Statement 2 mentions the insufficient capacity of banks to find infrastructure projects in India. While this might be true, however, the passage does not mention the resources available with the banks at their disposal.
    • Hence, statement 2 is incorrect.

    Therefore, the correct assumption is 1 only.

    Additional Information

    • National and international Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) are specialised development banks or subsidiaries set up to support private sector development in developing countries. 
  • Question 9/10
    2.5 / -0.83

    Directions For Questions

    Read the following passage and answer the item that follows. Your answer to this item should be based on the passage only.

    The fiscal deficit has become a key factor to watch out for in every budget presentation. It is considered the most important marker of a government’s financial health. There can be different types of deficit in a budget depending upon the types of receipts and expenditure we take into consideration. Accordingly, there are three concepts of the deficit: Revenue deficit, Fiscal deficit and Primary deficit.

    Revenue deficit is the excess of total revenue expenditure of the government over its total revenue receipts. The difference between total revenue and total expenditure of the government is termed as fiscal deficit. Fiscal deficit indicates the borrowing requirements of the government during the budget year. A fiscal deficit takes place either due to a revenue deficit or a major hike in capital expenditure. A primary deficit is defined as a fiscal deficit of the current year minus interest payments on previous borrowings. 

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    Which of the following assumptions made from the above passage is/are valid?

    1. A fiscal deficit can be contained by reducing its capital expenditure.

    2. Capital expenditure is incurred to create long-term assets such as factories, buildings and other development.


    The correct answer is 1 only​.
    Key Points

    • Note: Assumption: A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.
    • Let’s examine each of the statements carefully:
    • Statement 1: Fiscal deficit can be contained by reducing its capital expenditure.
      • This statement is correct.
      • It has been mentioned in the given passage that, "Fiscal deficit takes place either due to revenue deficit or a major hike in capital expenditure".
      • Hence, a fiscal deficit can be contained by reducing its capital expenditure.
    • Statement 2: Capital expenditure is incurred to create long-term assets such as factories, buildings and other development.
      • This statement is out of context.
      • Hence, it cannot be an assumption of the given passage.
    Therefore, the correct answer is 1 only.
  • Question 10/10
    2.5 / -0.83

    Directions For Questions

    Directions: Read the passage given and answer the questions that follow. Your answers should be based only on the passage.

    The G-7 summit seeks to redefine the broader relationship between states and markets. To simplify somewhat, states are reasserting control over the terms on which markets operate. “Neoliberalism” is an unwieldy and imprecise term. But it did convey the idea that states should follow where the market leads, or step in only where there is a market failure. Think of the phrase “the market will discipline states,” that was routinely used. This account of the relationship between states and markets had four deleterious consequences. It provided a misleading picture of what makes economies vibrant. It led to a sense of loss of collective control over our economic future. It led to great inequality. And, in some fields like technology, it created new forms of corporate power. The populist revolt, or the leftward turn, required the state to reverse some of these consequences. But this cannot be done without some coordination at the global level — on taxation, or treatment of technology monopolies.

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    Take the following statements:

    1. Coordination on global level will help nation-states regulate the market economy.

    2. Global cooperation is a must to prevent base erosion and profit shifting by companies.

    Which of these is the implicit assumption in the passage?


    The correct answer is 1 only.

    Key Points

    • Statement 1 is the right assumption because the passages state that to reverse the consequences of a market-led economy, some coordination at the global level is required.
    • Statement 2 is not the right assumption because even though the global corporation helps preventing base erosion and profit shifting, this is irrelevant in the context of the given passage.

    Hence the correct option is 1 only.

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