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AFCAT Cloze Test Test 618
AFCAT Cloze Test Test 618
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  • Question 1/5
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    Directions For Questions

    Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer out of the four alternatives for the given blanks.

    We are (1) in a time of great and (2) changes. The most obvious (3) of the modern world is the (4) development of science and technology. This has given man a deeper (5) of nature.

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    Find the appropriate word in each case.


    Sentence has the meaning of ‘living’ remaining words have different meanings.

    Existing: found or used now

    Living: alive now

    Surviving: to continue to live for existence

    Alive: living not dead.

    Hence option “B” is the correct answer because it satisfy the context of the given sentence.

  • Question 2/5
    1 / -0.33

    Directions For Questions

    Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer out of the four alternatives for the given blanks.

    We are (1) in a time of great and (2) changes. The most obvious (3) of the modern world is the (4) development of science and technology. This has given man a deeper (5) of nature.

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    Find the appropriate word in each case.

    if you focus the word changes the right answer will be ‘continuing’ Sentence shows the incessant process.

    Convenient : Useful easy or quick to do; not causing problem

    Continuing: Without pause or stopping

    Coveted: Want something very much; especially something belongs to anyone

    Consequent: Happening as a result of something.

    Hence option “B” is the correct answer. It satisfy the context of the given sentence.

  • Question 3/5
    1 / -0.33

    Directions For Questions

    Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer out of the four alternatives for the given blanks.

    We are (1) in a time of great and (2) changes. The most obvious (3) of the modern world is the (4) development of science and technology. This has given man a deeper (5) of nature.

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    Find the appropriate word in each case.

    The word “Obvious” suggests the word “feature” provide the proper meaning to context;

    Nature: Can be the answer but it can be the essential quality of a man.

    Part: Something determined in relation to something that includes.

    Side: an opinion

    Feature: a prominent aspect or quality.

  • Question 4/5
    1 / -0.33

    Directions For Questions

    Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer out of the four alternatives for the given blanks.

    We are (1) in a time of great and (2) changes. The most obvious (3) of the modern world is the (4) development of science and technology. This has given man a deeper (5) of nature.

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    Find the appropriate word in each case.

    Out of these four options ‘rapid’ satisfies ‘development’.

    Magnanimous: Noble and generous in spirit.

    Erratic: Liable to sudden or unpredictable change.

    Rapid: Done or occurring in a brief period of time.

    Inconsistent: Lack of consistency

  • Question 5/5
    1 / -0.33

    Directions For Questions

    Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer out of the four alternatives for the given blanks.

    We are (1) in a time of great and (2) changes. The most obvious (3) of the modern world is the (4) development of science and technology. This has given man a deeper (5) of nature.

    ...view full instructions

    Find the appropriate word in each case.

    Here the right answer is ‘understanding’ because this is the only word in the context that satisfies the word “deeper”

    Understanding: The knowledge that someone has about a subject.

    Control: The ability to make someone do what you want.

    Management: The act or running or controlling a business.

    Questioning: The activity of asking.

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