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Territorial Army Logical Venn Diagram Test 170
Territorial Army Logical Venn Diagram Test 170
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  • Question 1/5
    1 / -0.33

    Which of the following part is a part of only circle and triangle?
    Clearly, In triangle only: v
    In circle only: c
    In rectangle only: e, d, n
    In triangle, rectangle and circle all : a
    In triangle and rectangle both: a
    In circle and rectangle both: a, d
    In circle and rectangle both: a, d
    In circle and triangle both: o
    Hence, C is correct.
  • Question 2/5
    1 / -0.33

    Identify the diagram that best represents the relationship among the given classes.

    watch, analog, digital
    As we know that there are two types of watches; one is analog and the other is digital. Therefore, option C. clearly indicates the relation between watch, analog, digital.

    Hence, option C is the correct answer.
  • Question 3/5
    1 / -0.33

    Select the Venn diagram that best represents the given set of classes.

    Paragraph, Word, Sentence

     Words makes sentences and sentences makes paragraphs.

    Hence, option B is the correct answer.

  • Question 4/5
    1 / -0.33

    Select the Venn diagram that illustrates the relationship between the tree given classes: Bachelor, Married, person.

    Bachelor and Married are two different person.

    so, the best representation is:

    Hence, option C is the correct answer.

  • Question 5/5
    1 / -0.33

    In a certain code language, ESCAPE is written as FHXBKF and END is written as FMW. How will CHEMISTRY be coded as?

    Logic: Here vowels are replaced by its next letter and consonants are replaced by its opposite letter according to alphabetical order.

    So, CHEMISTRY is coded as XSFNJHGIB.

    Hence, option A is correct.

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