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RRB JE GA Test - 5
RRB JE GA Test - 5
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  • Question 1/10
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    Between which one of the following sets of blood groups, is the blood transfusion possible?


    O is the universal donor, but can receive blood only from O so option (b) and (c) are not possible. Regarding (d), B can’t donate blood to A because of presence of antibodies against A antigen. So, (a) is the only case of possible blood transfusion as AB is the universal recipient.


  • Question 2/10
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    By using which one of the following techniques, is DNA fingerprinting done?


    DNA fingerprinting involves the extraction and identification of the base pair pattern of an individual’s DNA. The identification procedure of specific DNA sequences is carried out by Southern blotting.


  • Question 3/10
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    The Rolling Plan for backward countries was suggested by:


    The Rolling Plan for backward countries was suggested by Gunnar Myrdal.
    Gunnar Myrdal was a Swedish Nobel laureate economist, sociologist, and politician. In 1974, he received the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences with Friedrich Hayek for their pioneering work in the theory of money and economic fluctuations and for their penetrating analysis of the interdependence of economic, social and institutional phenomena.


  • Question 4/10
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    Which one among the following is responsible for formation of ‘Ozone Holes’ in the stratosphere?


    A Chloro Fluoro Carbon (CFC) is an organic compound that contains only carbon, chlorine and fluorine, produced as a volatile derivative of methane and ethane. The manufacture of CFC has been phased out (and replaced with products such as R-410 A) by the montreal protocol because they contribute to ozone depletion in the upper atmosphere.


  • Question 5/10
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    Mid-Latitude cyclones


    A Mid-Latitude cyclone is born in a region where there is a strong temperature gradient. These regions are characterized by lower pressures when compared to their surrounding environments.


  • Question 6/10
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    Where is the Isle of Man located?


    The Isle of Man, also known as Mann, is a self governing British Crown Dependency, located in the Irish sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland within the British Isle. The closest land is southern Scotland. It is 52 Km long and at its widest point 22 Km wide. The United Kingdom is responsible for island’s defense and ultimately for good governance and for representing the island in international forum, while the island’s own parliament and government have competence over all domestic matters.


  • Question 7/10
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    Which one among the following African countries is not landlocked?


    A Landlocked Country is a country entirely enclosed by land, or whose only coastlines lie on closed seas. There are 48 landlocked countries in the world. Angola is not a landlocked country. No landlocked countries are found on the continents of North-America, Australia and Antarctica.


  • Question 8/10
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    Indira Gandhi Gold cup is associated with-


    The Indira Gandhi Gold Cup international women's hockey tournament was revived after a gap of nine years. The 7th edition of the tournament was held at the Dhyan Chand National Stadium from October 1 to 8 in 2005.


  • Question 9/10
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    The Environment Protection Act of 1986 comes under which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India?


    Environment Protection Act was passed by the Parliament of India in the year of 1986. In the wake of the Bhopal Tragedy, the Government of India enacted the Environment Protection Act of 1986 under Article 253 of the Constitution. It was passed in March 1986 and came into force on 19th November 1986.


  • Question 10/10
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    In the Gupta age, Varahamihira wrote the famous book, ‘Brihat Samhita’. It was a treatise on-


    Brihat Samhita covers wide ranging subjects of human interests, including astrology, planetary movements, eclipses, rainfalls, clouds, architecture, growth of crops, manufacture of perfume, gems, pearls and rituals.


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