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LIC AAO & Bank Exam - Computer Test - 9
LIC AAO & Bank Exam - Computer Test - 9
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  • Question 1/10
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    The operation of combining two cells into a single cell in Excel is referred to as _____________


    When you do combine numbers and text in a cell, the numbers become text and no longer operate as numbers. That is, you can no longer perform any math operations on them.

  • Question 2/10
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    Excel is a program that is used to prepare a __________


    Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that can be used to enter data in tabular form and to perform a large variety of computations on that data. In addition, Excel can be used to create a wide range of graphical charts, and can even act as a simple database program to store, search, and retrieve data.


  • Question 3/10
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    When you want to move some text from one page to a different page, the best method is


    When you cut or copy text and then paste it into your document, do you want the text to look the way.

  • Question 4/10
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    Portrait and Landscape are


    Page orientation is the way in which a rectangular page is oriented for normal viewing. The two most common types of orientation are portrait and landscape. The specific word definition comes from the fact that a close-up portrait of a person's face and upper body is more fitting for a canvas or photo where the height of the display area is greater than the width, and is more common for the pages of books. Landscape originally described artistic outdoor scenes where a wide view area is needed, but the upper part of the painting would be mostly sky and so is omitted.


  • Question 5/10
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    What is the default file extension for all Word documents?


    Microsoft Word is a word-processing program designed to help you create professional-quality documents. “doc” is a legacy Word document. Microsoft Office refers to them as "Microsoft Word 97 - 2003 Document".

  • Question 6/10
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    The full form of VDA is ____.


    Windows Virtual Desktop Access (VDA) is an authorization strategythat requires each device seeking access to a Windows virtual desktop in a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) to be licensed.

    Note: The goal of Windows Virtual Desktop Access is to simplify licensing requirements in a virtual environment by licensing the devices that seek access to virtual desktops, instead of licensing the virtual desktops themselves.


  • Question 7/10
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    A repair for a known software bug, usually available at no charge on the internet, is called a(n) ________.


    patch is a piece of software designed to update a computer program or its supporting data to fix or improve it.

  • Question 8/10
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    Who among the following has define the term ‘computer virus’ ?


    Frederick B. Cohen is an American computer scientist and best known as the inventor of computer virus defense techniques. He gave the definition of "computer virus".

  • Question 9/10
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    Which of the following is not anti-viruses software?


    Oracle is an object-relational database management systemproduced and marketed by Oracle Corporation.

  • Question 10/10
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    Which of the following is not true about passwords?


    A password is a word or string of characters used for user authentication to prove identity or access approval to gain access to a resource. It should be a combination of mixed case alphanumeric characters. It can be memorized easily should be used, so that it need not be noted down.

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