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Mock Test - 3 (English) Mock Test - 3 (English)
Here are some general instructions for taking an MCQ test:

SSC GD 2023

Please read the following instructions very carefully:

Duration: 60 mins

Maximum Marks: 160

S.No SUBJECT No of Question Marks
1 General Study 20 40
2 Aptitude  20 40
3 Reasoning 20 40
4 English 20 40
  Total 80 160

1. The test contains 4 sections.

2. Each question has 4 options out of which only one is correct.

3. You have to finish the test in 60 minutes.

4. You will be awarded 2 marks for each correct answer and 0.50 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.

5. There is no penalty for the questions that you have not attempted.

6. You can change your answer by clicking on some other option.

7. A number list of all questions appears at the middle of the screen, you can access the questions in any order within a section or across sections by clicking on the question number given on the number list.

8. Do not click the button "submit test" before completing the test. A test once submitted cannot be resumed.

9. I have read all the instructions carefully and have understood them.


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